What is Get-Up?

Author: Andrew

Get-Up is an incredibly simplistic app available on the Apple App Store. It’s free and was created by Kehran Carr.The game is simple; tap left or right to avoid the obstacles. While doing this, you are able to collect various power-ups. The goal is as simplistic as the gameplay; try to get the highest score possible.


Instead of just leaving the article with two sentences to explain it, I was able to reach out to the developer of the app and conduct a mini-interview! Thank you Kehran for using your time to take part in the interview!


Q: Are you planning on adding any extra power-ups?

A: Yes, I plan to release a few more powerups as well as a shop, which will be coming soon!

Q:  Are there any major things you’re planning on adding?

A: Well, the shop and currency system along. Users will be able to buy songs, backgrounds, powerups, and more.

Q:  How has the response been so far?

A: So far so good, It’s still a very new app but the few days it has been on the app store it’s had a decent amount of plays. The more the merry of course!

Thank you once again Kehran!

If you’re interested in learning more about Get-Up, click here!

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